eCabinet Systems Members …
If you plan to buy a CNC router in the next few years, sign up and we will take 5% of qualified purchases and bank it for you. Each time you buy, your account increases. At any time, you can apply the total in your account toward the purchase of a Thermwood CNC router system. There is no limit to the amount of discount you can earn and, if you buy enough, you could actually get a machine for free. These amounts will remain in your account for five years after each purchase. Purchases that qualify under this program include all products offered through Thermwood’s eCabinet Systems program, finishing material manufacturered by Valspar that is blended and sold by Thermwood (we can custom blend for your specific application), CNC programs available for rent from Thermwood and all products offered for sale through Thermwood’s Woodworker’s Wholesale catalog including cutting tools and supplies. Shipping costs and taxes are not considered qualified purchases. If you ever dreamed of owning a Thermwood CNC CabinetShop System, here is a program that lets you start working toward that dream today. There is no cost or obligation to sign up. Just let us know and we will start saving for you, and perhaps you may realize your dream sooner than you think. If you plan to buy immediately and can commit to a minimum level of purchases, give us a call at 1-800-533-6901, or Click Here to Sign Up for our Member Discount Program for CNC Routers. |